We are among the very few agencies that integrate biometric data analysis in our current work, in order to optimize our creatives.
Using biometric technologies, we can quantify people’s attention, emotions and physiological responses to our design. So, we capture non-conscious aspects of consumer decision-making, as our brain reacts to the world in milliseconds, faster than we are aware of. But now, we use neuroscience technologies to understand these reactions in order to optimize the efficiency of your advertising.
Integrated Biometrics
The new battleground emerging around the future of customer-centricity is how you make your customers feel, think and act. New technologies bring a world of possibilities with them to gain deeper insight into how to measure just that. The consumer experience relies heavily both on what consumers can, and cannot, verbalize. Measuring both is critical to growing strong consumer relationships and providing the best experiences. Traditional methods, such as surveys and interviews, should be with measures of the consumer’s non-conscious responses, that we can capture with our multi-sensor biometric technologies. Studies show that combining neuroscience tools together provides the strongest level of predictability, and is more predictive than survey measures alone.
Inquire us if you want to:
- decide between more creative routes
- analyze consumers’ reaction to in-store shelf
- Test your new app or website
- Evaluate the emotional engagement of your video
- test packaging before putting it into the market
- optimize ad targeting though different type of creatives
- improve web conversions

Eye Tracking
With eye-tracking, you obtain an understanding of what attracts immediate attention, which elements get ignored, in which order elements are noticed, and how elements compare to others. We have two ways of using eye-tracking:
- detect visual attention in controlled environment, for example on images, videos, websites, games, software interfaces, 3D environments, mobile phones
- understand how respondents view and interact in the real, dynamic world, using wearable eye-glasses
Inquire us if you want to:
- Understand what actually draws consumer’s attention on shelf
- Launch a new product
- Evaluare visual attention on a website or app
- See how shoppers actually look at your shelf
- Evaluate your planograms

Facial Decoding
One of the strongest indicators for emotions is our face. As we laugh or cry we’re putting our emotions on display, allowing others to glimpse into our minds as they “read” our face based on changes in key face features. Facial coding is the process of measuring human emotions through facial expressions. With facial expression analysis you can test the impact of any content, product or service that is supposed to elicit emotional arousal and facial responses, using 20 expression measures and 7 core emotions (joy, anger, fear, disgust, contempt, sadness, and surprise).
Inquire us if you want to:
- Understand what video emotions would generate your video content
- Your ad is more engaging than the competitor
- Understand the emotional journey in a webpage
- Select the best endorser or influencer for your brand, in terms of emotional reaction
- Understand how engaging is your social media content

Galvanic Skin Response
Electrodermal activity measures the electrical activity conducted through sweat glands in the skin. This gives you an indication of the intensity of emotion experienced. Our level of emotional arousal changes in response to the environment we’re in – if something is scary, threatening, joyful then the subsequent change in emotional response that we experience also increases eccrine sweat gland activity. This is what GSR devices capture when placed on their hands. As skin conductivity is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, it offers insights into a respondent’s underlying physiological and psychological processes.
Inquire us if you want to:
- Understand the intensity of the consumer’s emotions to your advertising

Predictive Eye Tracking and Predictive Emotional Response are new technologies that indicated possible reactions from consumers. They do not engage actual consumers, but machine learning. While their results are not as accurate as of the ones collected with multi-sensor biometric technologies, they provide us a fast and very low-cost response to design. We use them in our day-to-day work to evaluate our design (print, digital or video), getting valuable feedback in no-time, therefore we highly recommend them.
Inquire us if you want to:
- Get a fast result for the emotional reaction to your video content
- Select among multiple visuals